I'm really addicted to roller coaster ride and I think life is just like riding one. There are some ups and downs but that's what make life even more interesting. And sometimes because you are tight up to your seat, you just have to follow to where the car lead you into.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Happy Birthday, Me!

Happy birthday to me...Happy Birthday to me....!!
This is the worst birthday in my life to date. I have no one to celebrate with...No birthday kiss from my wife today. No canddle light dinner. Only have text messeges from my wife, my parents and my brothers.
I turn 30 today. Wow, years gone by so fast. I'm just thinking, "What have I done to this world?" I think I still don't have anything to fill those answer boxes.
But trust me, I will be back to Jakarta. and believe me I will give something to my world...that's my promise..my birthday wish...
Happy Birthday, Me!


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