Indonesia is still the best...for me!
Kalo urusan ibadah, emang Indonesia paling enak. I'm talking about the Friday Services. Today, I had an interview with one of the professors at 13.00 pm. I knew that the interview will only last for about 30 minutes. And I was right. So, at 13.30 I was already on the GUTS bus heading to Indonesian Embassy and I knew that the services will begin at 14.00 so I had plenty of time to get there. But guess what? When I was there, there is a sign and it said "No Friday Prayer today!." What? How could this happen?
Baru sadar, ternyata hari jum'at di Indonesia libur karena Isra Mi'raj. And as usual if there was a holiday in Indonesia, the embassy will be closed (they get holiday also)....enak banget ya?
There are only 2 places in DC which held Friday Prayer. Indonesian Embassy and Islamic Center. And then I decided to go to the Islamic Centre. I was running there because it's 2 miles away from the embassy and I didn't want to wait for the bus. Imagine, still dressed up from my interview, running as fast as I could. But unfortunately, when I was there the prayer has just finished. I wish I were in Indonesia where there are so many mosques and I can go wherever I want without worrying about where can I do my friday prayer.
Forgive me God...
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