I'm really addicted to roller coaster ride and I think life is just like riding one. There are some ups and downs but that's what make life even more interesting. And sometimes because you are tight up to your seat, you just have to follow to where the car lead you into.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Indonesia is still the best...for me!

Kalo urusan ibadah, emang Indonesia paling enak. I'm talking about the Friday Services. Today, I had an interview with one of the professors at 13.00 pm. I knew that the interview will only last for about 30 minutes. And I was right. So, at 13.30 I was already on the GUTS bus heading to Indonesian Embassy and I knew that the services will begin at 14.00 so I had plenty of time to get there. But guess what? When I was there, there is a sign and it said "No Friday Prayer today!." What? How could this happen?
Baru sadar, ternyata hari jum'at di Indonesia libur karena Isra Mi'raj. And as usual if there was a holiday in Indonesia, the embassy will be closed (they get holiday also)....enak banget ya?
There are only 2 places in DC which held Friday Prayer. Indonesian Embassy and Islamic Center.
And then I decided to go to the Islamic Centre. I was running there because it's 2 miles away from the embassy and I didn't want to wait for the bus. Imagine, still dressed up from my interview, running as fast as I could. But unfortunately, when I was there the prayer has just finished. I wish I were in Indonesia where there are so many mosques and I can go wherever I want without worrying about where can I do my friday prayer.
Forgive me God...


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