I'm really addicted to roller coaster ride and I think life is just like riding one. There are some ups and downs but that's what make life even more interesting. And sometimes because you are tight up to your seat, you just have to follow to where the car lead you into.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Happy Birthday My Son

Happy Birthday Sheraza!
Ga terasa udah 1 tahun berlalu. Dari yang ga bisa ngapa-ngapain sampe sekarang yang pintar, cerdik, lucu dan gemesin.
Selamat ulang tahun anak ku yang ganteng. Semoga Sheraza jadi anak yang sholeh, pintar, rendah hati, patuh dan nurut sama papa-mama dan paling penting tetap ceria selalu.

We are the most gifted parents in the world by having you as our son!

Happy Birthday Sheraza! We love you so much!