I'm really addicted to roller coaster ride and I think life is just like riding one. There are some ups and downs but that's what make life even more interesting. And sometimes because you are tight up to your seat, you just have to follow to where the car lead you into.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

For my love

My love, do you remember our song.....?

Your Body Is A Wonderland (John Mayer)

We got the afternoon
You got this room for two
One thing I've left to do
Discover me
Discovering you

One mile to every inch of
Your skin like porcelain
One pair of candy lips and
Your bubblegum tongue

And if you want love
We'll make it
Swimming a deep sea
Of blankets
Take all your big plans
And break 'em
This is bound to be awhile

Your body is a wonderland
Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands)
Your body is a wonderland

Something 'bout the way your hair falls in your face
I love the shape you take when crawling towards the pillowcase
You tell me where to go and
Though I might leave to find it
I'll never let your head hit the bed
Without my hand behind it

You want love?
We'll make it
Swimming a deep sea
Of blankets
Take all your big plans
And break 'em
This is bound to be a while

Your body is a wonderland
Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands)
Your body is a wonderland

Damn baby
You frustrate me
I know you're mine all mine all mine
But you look so good it hurts sometimes

Your body is a wonderland
Your body is a wonder (I'll use my hands)
Your body is a wonderland
Your body is a wonderland

Miss you much.....

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Still survive

Never thought that I could survive from this first hard week. Accounting quiz on tuesday and Microecon today. At least I can relax now and have some good night sleep. There are some highlights for this week, though! Got a good grade for Noble Case essay and got a letter from OIP and Student Life Office for SSN office. I'm ready to work now...!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Baby Bath

A the beginning he hate it so much. Now look at him, He is enjoying every single time of it. I miss you so much my son!

Friday, September 16, 2005

Late birthday party!

Had my first exam today...Quantitave Methods! I blew it...ohh, I don't know what happen to me in that class? Well, never mind. There are still 2nd exam, mid test and final. I'll make it up. But I love this day. Although it's 2,5 weeks late, my friends buy me a dinner for my birthday.
Thank you guys, it means a lot to me.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Got a job..

I got a job today!...as a graduate assistant at Student Life Office. The pay is not that much but the important thing is that I can apply for the Social Security Number. Hip...hip..horey...It means that I don't have to make a deposit to get any services in the future...YES!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Because of you

never thought it would be like this....
I thought when I was accepted to this school, life would be easy and fun...
living in DC, during weekend I could go to New York, Pennsylvania, Boston or even to Florida...
but I was wrong...it turns out that MBA life is far beyond my imagination
don't get enough time
to sleep...
to read the materials...
to finish the assignments...
don't have time
to watch TV and movies
to do the laundries
to buy groceries
even to enjoy life....
but why am I still smiling all the time? because whenever I open my laptop, this picture will appear on the wallpaper

and it takes all my sorrow and tiredness away...
miss u so much my son

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Prahara di dapur..

Ternyata masak itu ga gampang. Udah hampir 2 bulan masak mulu tapi tetap aja, tiap kali masak dapur udah kayak kapal pecah. Karena ga pernah masak sebelumnya ato emang ga bakat masak ya? He..he..I think it's both! Gimana mau sukses masak, sampe sekarang aja masih ga bisa bedain antara lengkuas dengan jahe. Padahal khan harusnya gampang banget.
Kalo soal masak nasi sih ga pernah ada masalah..selalu perfect. Tapiiiii...pas soal masak lauknya nih...apalagi kalo masak sarden, dijamin minyaknya muncrat kemana-mana. ga tau kenapa, padahal udah sesuai petunjuk yang diajarkan oleh mama, mertua en istri. Tapi tetap aja abis makan, harus kerja lagi ngeberesin dapur yang berantakan en akibatnya laper lagi..hehehe.
Kalo masak yang lain sih, the aftermath-nya ga separah masak sarden tapi itu karena yang lain bumbunya udah ada jadi tinggal dicampur aja. Tetep aja harus berjuang menyempatkan diri beresin peralatan karena kalo engga paling baru sempet beresin either malemnya ato besoknya (biasanya masak pagi sebelum kuliah untuk makan siang en makan malam).
Walaupun penuh perjuangan en rasa tidak seenak yang biasanya, tapi setiap sendok nasi yang masuk kedalam mulut rasanya tetep seperti makanan terenak yang pernah dimakan. Kenapa? karena buatan sendiri en jauh lebih murah jadinya dibanding beli makanan diluar. Jadi kangen banget makan Sate Padang di Gondangdia III (tapi kata istri udah digusur), Bakmi Golek, Dendeng basah buatan mama en tempe goreng tepung buatan mertua. Waduh gawat, udah ada yang netes tak tertahankan dari ujung bibir.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Poem for my son...

Oh baby...

the way you smile is magic
I feel like i am in a wonderland
where words be butterflies
where thoughs be gardens
the way you look at me baby
give me completness
transfer my soul to angle
the way you touch me baby
like begining meets the end
like reailty set in dreams
oh baby....
everything you do bring felicity to me
i feel like a child when i am with you
i feel like i am a bird and you her nest
oh baby...
i adore you
i love you 100%
you are where my future stand
and my past band in sand
oh baby......
oh baby....

noha ramzy

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Opportunity Cost

Sitting here, working on Quantitative's assigment and wondering..."did I make the right decision by coming to georgetown to get my MBA?"
Just learn today that my opportunity cost are missing my promotion opportunity and not able to watch my son as he grows. Hmmm...how do I value those? What do I get in return (besides free education)? I hope it worth...a lot!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Indonesia is still the best...for me!

Kalo urusan ibadah, emang Indonesia paling enak. I'm talking about the Friday Services. Today, I had an interview with one of the professors at 13.00 pm. I knew that the interview will only last for about 30 minutes. And I was right. So, at 13.30 I was already on the GUTS bus heading to Indonesian Embassy and I knew that the services will begin at 14.00 so I had plenty of time to get there. But guess what? When I was there, there is a sign and it said "No Friday Prayer today!." What? How could this happen?
Baru sadar, ternyata hari jum'at di Indonesia libur karena Isra Mi'raj. And as usual if there was a holiday in Indonesia, the embassy will be closed (they get holiday also)....enak banget ya?
There are only 2 places in DC which held Friday Prayer. Indonesian Embassy and Islamic Center.
And then I decided to go to the Islamic Centre. I was running there because it's 2 miles away from the embassy and I didn't want to wait for the bus. Imagine, still dressed up from my interview, running as fast as I could. But unfortunately, when I was there the prayer has just finished. I wish I were in Indonesia where there are so many mosques and I can go wherever I want without worrying about where can I do my friday prayer.
Forgive me God...