Sheraza Birthday Party

Sheraza also got a lot of bitrhday presents from his ayah-bunda, tante dina and om doddy, oma, om arief, om fadhil and tante
I'm really addicted to roller coaster ride and I think life is just like riding one. There are some ups and downs but that's what make life even more interesting. And sometimes because you are tight up to your seat, you just have to follow to where the car lead you into.
Memang ternyata manusia itu ga pernah puas....
My love, do you remember our song.....?
Never thought that I could survive from this first hard week. Accounting quiz on tuesday and Microecon today. At least I can relax now and have some good night sleep. There are some highlights for this week, though! Got a good grade for Noble Case essay and got a letter from OIP and Student Life Office for SSN office. I'm ready to work now...!
I got a job today! a graduate assistant at Student Life Office. The pay is not that much but the important thing is that I can apply for the Social Security Number. Hip...hip..horey...It means that I don't have to make a deposit to get any services in the future...YES!
never thought it would be like this....
Ternyata masak itu ga gampang. Udah hampir 2 bulan masak mulu tapi tetap aja, tiap kali masak dapur udah kayak kapal pecah. Karena ga pernah masak sebelumnya ato emang ga bakat masak ya? He..he..I think it's both! Gimana mau sukses masak, sampe sekarang aja masih ga bisa bedain antara lengkuas dengan jahe. Padahal khan harusnya gampang banget.
Sitting here, working on Quantitative's assigment and wondering..."did I make the right decision by coming to georgetown to get my MBA?"
Kalo urusan ibadah, emang Indonesia paling enak. I'm talking about the Friday Services. Today, I had an interview with one of the professors at 13.00 pm. I knew that the interview will only last for about 30 minutes. And I was right. So, at 13.30 I was already on the GUTS bus heading to Indonesian Embassy and I knew that the services will begin at 14.00 so I had plenty of time to get there. But guess what? When I was there, there is a sign and it said "No Friday Prayer today!." What? How could this happen?
Happy birthday to me...Happy Birthday to me....!!